
KRP Senior Team Search!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s ALREADY that time! One of my very favorite parts of this job is building the KRP Senior Team. It gives me the opportunity to learn about, and build connections with, some seriously amazing young adults.

I am now accepting applications for the class of 2022! The search is open to ALL local schools, so don’t hesitate to reach out. If you, or someone you know, are interested in applying, shoot me an email or a message! It’s going to be a fabulous year!

Meadville Senior Reps

KRP SENIOR TEAM | The Search is ON!

It’s here, once again! The search for the KRP Senior Team for the class of 2021!! If you, or someone you know, would like to apply, please email or message me! Applications will be accepted for ALL local schools. It’s going to be another great year!!

KRP Senior Team | Kelly Rhoades Photography
KRP Senior Team - Class of 2020 | Kelly Rhoades Photography